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New Work on the Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen!

We’ve got a slew of exciting new works on the Mount Pleasant Community Art Screen! As of April 15th, 2022, this new selection of work exploring the theme of PLACE can be viewed daily on the MPCAS at Kingsway and Broadway. We also have some special weekend screenings, including Wake Up! by Jessie Ray Short, curated by Jocelyne Junker and presented in partnership with Capture Photography Festival, showing every Saturday and Sunday through April.

To read more about the new programming and find the full list of works on the MPCAS, click here.

For scheduling info, you can access the MPCAS calendar for screening times from your desktop or phone via the programming page. Timing is not exact as the screen may experience some loading delays throughout the day and we suggest arriving 5-10 minutes early to ensure that you can catch the program you’re interested in viewing.

With two annual juries in winter and summer, we welcome submissions to the MPCAS on a rolling basis. Please click here for submission details.

Spring / Summer Hours (01 April to 30 September)
Sunday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Friday & Saturday:  9:00 AM to 11:00 PM

The MPCAS is produced by grunt gallery and generously supported by the Vancouver Foundation, RIZE corporation, Canada Council for the Arts, the City of Vancouver and Creative BC.


Images (clockwise from top left): Sydney Frances Pickering, distance, video (still), 2022; Erika Wilk and Moniker Press, How to Zine, video (still), 2021; Eli Hirtle, ᒥᑭᓯᑲᐦᑕ // mikisikahta // bead it, film (still), 2021; Keely O’Brien, Any Day Now, photograph, 2020-21.

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Globe & Mail Article: Vancouver artists fight to protect a colourful piece of the city’s art history

Photo Credit: Jim Jardine, 1989

“Ms. Itter, 75, is slowly emptying the cabin where she and Al Neil have been making art and music for decades. They received an eviction notice from Port Metro Vancouver in the fall with a Jan. 31 deadline to vacate, and a demolition permit has been issued for Feb. 1.”

“Now a number of prominent players on the local art scene are working to save the little cabin that tells a big story about Vancouver’s history.

The waterfront area was once home to a number of squatters – many of whom were artists, including the author Malcolm Lowry. He lived in a series of shacks in what is now Cates Park, where he wrote much of his classic Under the Volcano. The nearby cabin that has been home and studio to Mr. Neil and Ms. Itter is believed to have been made in Coal Harbour by a Scandinavian craftsman in the 1930s.

Mr. Neil, now 90 – a musician, composer and visual artist who received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Vancouver Mayor’s Arts Award last year – has lived in the cabin on and off since 1966, serving as a sort of beach watchman for the company next door, McKenzie Barge. He initially paid rent to the shipyard – $15 a month, “and then eventually they said don’t bother,” says Ms. Itter, a sculptor and writer who joined Mr. Neil 13 years after he moved in.”

“’We live in such a redevelopment city and there’s so little of heritage that gets saved here and I think this is a very important piece of Vancouver heritage that we should all really think about before we let it go,’ says Glenn Alteen with the Grunt Gallery.”

Read the entire article here.

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You’re Invited…


You’re invited to a special event at grunt gallery to celebrate the Community Amenity Contributions (CAC) funding that we’ve received.

The event takes play at grunt on Thursday July 10 (6:30 – 8:30 pm). Statements by grunt’s programming director and co-founder, Glenn Alteen, and a board representative, will take place at 7pm. Join us in raising a toast! We look forward to seeing you there.

“This is wonderful news for grunt as well as for the communities active within the Mount Pleasant area. The cultural vibrancy of this neighbourhood has seen incredible growth despite shortages of affordable rental space for artists to live and work.

grunt gallery has a 30-year record of welcoming and encouraging diverse and intriguing artists and practices in the local community. We have matured as an organization, ensuring we have the infrastructure and the policies to continue to serve our beloved community, particularly nurturing experimental, edgy and community-based innovations from a range of artists including First Nations artists, artists of colour, queer and performance artists, and those who employ community-engagement and relational practices. With this CAC funding, we aspire to continue serving our public with imaginative, unique and dynamic cultural programming.”
– Laiwan, Board Chair.

Complimentary refreshments will be provided.

grunt gallery: 116-350 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T4R8 |

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[Announcement] gruntCraft


grunt gallery is excited to announce a new youth arts engagement project entitled, gruntCraft

The project uses the popular computer game Minecraft as a tool and studio to create new and incredible structures in a virtual world. Youth participants will be mentored by professional artists to explore their creative processes and discover new ways to approach art making through a collaborative, online, video game environment.

Follow the development of the virtual studio by subscribing to gruntCraft’s YouTube site. As part of the studio program, youth studio members (aged 11-18) will have access to professional artists feedback and mentorship, 3D printing workshops, and opportunities to participate in studio open houses at grunt gallery.

gruntCraft will occur from July to December 2014 and is led by artist and project manager, Demian Petryshyn. Please visit for more information and project updates.

We’re on the lookout for youth participants and volunteers.

Feel free to check out the studio server at: If you are interested in becoming a youth studio member (aged 11-18) or would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact Demian at or visit for more info (coming soon).

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[Announcement] grunt gallery is the proud recipient of CAC funding


grunt gallery is the proud recipient of CAC Funding

(Vancouver, BC) – grunt gallery is pleased to announce that it has received a major cultural capital grant worth $400,000 from the Rize Alliance Cultural Amenity Contribution (CAC) fund which supports arts organizations in and adjacent to the Mount Pleasant area. This contribution will allow us to pay off our mortgage and support purchasing more space in the near future.

grunt gallery’s long history in Mount Pleasant demonstrates an operationally sustainable, non-profit arts organization that serves the surrounding Mount Pleasant area. In 1995 grunt purchased a facility in the Main Space building on East 2nd Avenue and has continued to contribute to the cultural ecology of Mount Pleasant and Vancouver.

CAC’s funding will pay off the remainder of grunt gallery’s mortgage, which provides grunt with the incredible opportunity to begin planning facility expansion. The fund will also supply $240,000 towards the purchase of a new facility. Ultimately, this funding positions grunt gallery to look towards a bright future of new and innovative capital plans that continue to serve the Mount Pleasant community and surrounding Vancouver public.

Board Chair Laiwan said of the award:

“This is wonderful news for grunt as well as for the communities active within the Mount Pleasant area. The cultural vibrancy of this neighborhood has seen incredible growth despite shortages of affordable rental space for artists to live and work. grunt gallery has a 30-year record of welcoming and encouraging diverse and intriguing artists and practices in the local community. We have matured as an organization, ensuring we have the infrastructure and the policies to continue to serve our beloved community, particularly nurturing experimental, edgy and community-based innovations from a range of artists including First Nations artists, artists of colour, queer and performance artists, and those who employ community-engagement and relational practices. With this CAC funding, we aspire to continue serving our public with imaginative, unique and dynamic cultural programming.”

grunt gallery Program Director Glenn Alteen said:

“This donation on the eve of our 30th anniversary is a welcome and important contribution to our infrastructure and our long-term sustainability. We appreciate this support from RIZE and the City of Vancouver towards the cultural community in the area and we thank them for this strong vote of confidence in our future. This will allow grunt to embark on a planning process around a new or expanded facility.”


  • grunt gallery was founded in 1984 and has had a long-standing relationship with the surrounding Mount Pleasant community since its inception. With projects such as the Brewery Creek Mural project (1986), and the Mount Pleasant Community Fence project (1994), and supporting the development of local theatre festivals such as Vancouver Fringe Festival, the LIVE Biennale, the PuSh Festival and much more, grunt continues to support local businesses and organizations to become a well-integrated cultural staple in the Mount Pleasant community.
  • In the mid-‘90s, grunt gallery worked with local developers to build a space that provided our organization with a mortgage that was as cheap as the rent had been in the gallery’s old location. This collaboration with the developers provided grunt with the current gallery facility that they occupy today.
  • In 2006, the province provided Renaissance funding for non-profit organizations to take advantage of endowment funds as long-term investments through matching funds to provide future sustainability. grunt gallery took $150,000 of their building equity to apply towards their new endowment fund, the grunt gallery Legacy Fund. Our endowment has also had the support of the Heritages Endowment Incentives Program, which has been matching our donations since 2006. Since then, $545,000 has been raised in the endowment, which has provided almost $100,000 in interest towards the operating and program costs of the organization.


grunt gallery Legacy Fund:

Media Contact:
Karlene Harvey, Communications Director | 604-875-9516

Download PDF: Press Release – grunt galleryis the proud recipient of CAC funding_

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Curator of Community Engagement!

job posting curator of community engagement

Position Title: Curator of Community Engagement

Location: grunt gallery
Reporting to: Program Director and Operations Director
Start and End Date: January 6 to December 5, 2014
Hours: 20 hours/week with a flexible work schedule.
Rate of pay: $22/hour

General Description of the Position:

The Curator of Community Engagement works with board, staff, contractors, volunteers, and membership to develop contacts and strengthen relationships between the grunt and grunt’s partners in the community. This is a professional position that reports to the Program Director and Operations Director at grunt gallery.

The Curator of Community Engagement is a planner, implementer, and relationship builder who is responsible for developing grunt’s community plan. They are also responsible for developing strategies around retention and recognition of donors, audience members, volunteers and other grunt communities, as well strategies for outreach. The Curator of Community Engagement will take advantage of grunt’s strengths in order to build strong, long-term and loyal relationships with audience members and the community.

Application Deadline: Sunday, November 24 @ 5:00pm

Interested in applying?

Read the entire job description here.

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