URL: https://grunt.ca/exhibitions/arctic-noise/
Exhibition Title: ARCTICNOISE
Artist: Geronimo Inutiq
Curators: Guest curated by Yasmin Nurming-Por and Britt Gallpen, produced in conjunction with International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA); Glenn Alteen and Tarah Hogue (grunt gallery); and Kate Hennessy and Trudi Lynn Smith (Ethnographic Terminalia)
Exhibition Dates: Aug 5 – Aug 22, 2015
Reception: Monday, August 17 (7–10pm)
July 20, 2015 (Vancouver, BC) – grunt gallery, Ethnographic Terminalia and the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA) are excited to present anexhibition, panel, workshop and a performance for ARCTICNOISE. The exhibition is located at grunt gallery and runs from August 5 to August 22, 2015 with an reception on Monday, August 17 (7–10pm).
ARCTICNOISE is a media installation by Geronimo Inutiq (madeskimo) that draws on archival film footage and sound materials sourced from the Isuma Archive at the National Gallery of Canada, as well as sound and film materials from the artist’s personal collection and other ethnographical material. Conceived as an Indigenous response to Glenn Gould’s celebrated composition “The Idea of the North”, Inutiq will appropriate Gould’s piece as a musical score, paired with new voices and imagery to produce a layered and multi-vocal work.
The project folds into Inutiq’s larger practice of his alter-ego, madeskimo, that draws on the use of instruments, and digital and analogue synthesizers, as well as the remixing and processing of samples from a large variety of sources— including traditional Inuit, Aboriginal, modern electronic and urban music—in order to create an experimental platform.
At its crux, ARCTICNOISE intends to initiate conversations between various communities, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and to provoke thoughtful exchange about the roles of Inuit orality and materiality in a post-colonial space within the context of new media artwork. New media, with its appropriative and collage-like nature, is employed as a specific strategy to foster a multi-vocal and multi-generational approach to these sensitive issues.
A curatorial essay written by Yasmin Nurming-Por and Britt Gallpen will be available at the exhibition. This essay will also be included in the forthcoming publication forARCTICNOISE.
grunt gallery | Address: Unit 116 – 350 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver, BC V5T4R8
Additional Programming –
Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art
Saturday August 15 (9:30 am to 5:30 pm)
at VIVO Media Arts | vivomediaarts.com
2625 Kaslo Street, Kaslo St, Vancouver, BC V5M 3G9
Yasmin Nurming-Por and Britt Gallpen, with grunt gallery’s Curatorial Resident Tarah Hogue, are collaborating with the collective Ethnographic Terminalia to produce a workshop at the International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), which will be hosted by VIVO on Saturday, August 15th from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, open to the public for viewing.
Following the 2015 ISEA theme of Disruption as it relates to the archive and its expression in new media, “Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art,” will include presentations of electronic art works and theoretical frameworks that disrupt material, figurative, discursive, cultural, and political manifestations of the archive, broadly conceived. The workshop will result in a DIY publication of the proceedings that will be made available to the public in limited edition print and online formats.
Saturday, August 15th @ 8:00 pm
at the Vancouver Art Gallery | vancouverartgallery.org/
750 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7
Arrive by 8pm to watch a performance by Geronimo Inutiq (madeskimo) – the artist behind ARCTICNOISE.
Vancouver Art Gallery’s FUSE is a wildly popular event where art, music and performance collide. On August 15, 2015 FUSE will be the site of DISTURBANCE, guest curated by Kate Armstrong and Malcolm Levy in connection with the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2015), one of the world’s most prestigious global festivals presenting work at the intersection of art and technology.
Wednesday, August 19 (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
at Native Education College | necvancouver.org
285 E 5th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5T 1H2
This event will include an artist talk by Geronimo Inutiq, a discussion of the curatorial process by Britt Gallpen and Yasmin Nurming-Por, and a presentation by Christine Lalonde, Associate Curator, Indigenous Art, National Gallery of Canada. These will be followed by responses from two local respondents (TBC).
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Media Contact for the exhibition:
Karlene Harvey, grunt gallery | 604-875-9516 or, karlene@grunt.ca
Media Contact for ISEA programming:
Maria Fedorova |isea2015-artinfo@sfu.ca
Funding Acknowledgments:
ARCTICNOISE is co-presented by ISEA and grunt gallery. We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, the McLean Foundation, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. A very special thank you to VIVO Media Arts Centre and the Native Education College for hosting the panel and workshop forARCTICNOISE.