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Social Objects

“As part of a program we’re calling “Brew”, artists Sonny Assu and Lorna Brown have created “social objects”– artist editions that are designed to circulate in the social spaces such as bars or restaurants in Mount Pleasant. Here, engagement is potentially fleeting, but the objects themselves act as small moments of contact—an aesthetic and poetic complement to the fabric of life in this neighbourhood. Brown’s work—a refillable beer growler—specifically calls for a consideration of time and place, and considers the question of cyclical return. Calling to mind questions of history, of habit, of paths built and repeated.”
– Vanessa Kwan, curatorial statement.

Growlers and sets of letter-pressed coasters will be officially launched at our Oct 11th GROWLER event. Following that, you can snag these items at grunt gallery. Growlers will also be available for purchase at Brassneck Brewery.

grunt growler | Consider the Pilcrow

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grunt growlers

“Like most punctuation, the paragraph mark (or pilcrow) has an exotic history. It’s tempting to recognize the symbol as a “P for paragraph,” though the resemblance is incidental: in its original form, the mark was an open C crossed by a vertical line or two, a scribal abbreviation for capitulum, the Latin word for “chapter.” Because written forms evolve through haste, the strokes through the C gradually came to descend further and further, its overall shape ultimately coming to resemble the modern “reverse P” by the beginning of the Renaissance.”

~ from the blog

“The pilcrow marks the time and place of return – to a new train of thought, to a new subject, to a fresh start. It takes us back to where we started, to begin once again the process of writing, travelling and imbibing.”
– Lorna Brown

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Stop by grunt gallery to pick up your special edition grunt growler ($7). Please note, grunt gallery accepts cash and paypal transactions for in-person pickup. Contact us if you have questions! 604 875 9516

grunt coasters | #PeopleOfMtPleasant

“Inspired by the everyday, beautiful people of Main Street. People I’ve met over my years of living in Mount Pleasant and the people I’ve met through my involvement at the Grunt. Grunt has shown me tremendous love and support over the years, and it was an honour to be able to give something back. Something beautiful. Something funny. Something that I hope inspires a conversation between strangers and a “cheers” amongst pals. ”
– Sonny Assu | website

mtpleasant coaster

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^^ Click to purchase a set of coasters from our online store ($12). You can also purchase these at grunt gallery, we accept cash or paypal transactions for in-person pick-up.

About the 30th
Curatorial Statement
30th Events
Social Objects
Thank You

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