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Three Indigenous Project Sites

June 21st, 2015

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grunt gallery wishes you a happy Aboriginal Day!

grunt has a rich history of working with indigenous artists, check out some of these project sites that archive text, images, video and more.

1) Indian Acts: Aboriginal Performance Art
A website that grunt gallery curated for Activating the Archives, it chronicles a performance art conference that took place in Vancouver in 2002.
Check out essay’s written by Tania Willard, Dana Claxton, Daina Warren, Archer Pechawis and more…


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2) Nikamon Ohci Askiy (songs because of the land)

In December 2008, artist Cheryl L’Hirondelle made daily journeys throughout Vancouver and “sung” the landscape she encountered. These encounters were captured by mobile phone by the artist and whatever other technologies are made available by participating viewers/audience (video, photo, audio). Check out this interactive website that includes sound bites from L’Hirondelle’s recordings.

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3) Beat Nation

The little exhibition that could. Some might not realize the humble beginnings of Beat Nation and how it began as a youth project website between grunt gallery and Native Youth Artist Collective. Check out the website that was originally created in 2009, the amount of emerging artists who have since built tremendous careers is inspiring.

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Check out all of grunt’s project websites here.

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