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Enticed and Entangled en algo Antiguo by Francisco Berlanga

Exhibition Title: Enticed and Entangled en algo Antiguo by Francisco Berlanga

Artist: Francisco Berlanga

Opening: September 14th, 2023

Exhibition Dates: September 15th - November 4th, 2023

In Enticed and Entanged en algo Antiguo, Francisco Berlanga’s work approaches weaving and textiles as a metaphor for culture making. He describes memories as threads, “moments spun together to create some form of continuity.” Working from motifs inspired by the versatility of the inconsistencies of fibrous materials used in making serapes and childhood family picnics, Berlanga weaves together culture and memory through the materiality of a combination of live plants and commonly found construction material. In this work, the laborious process of weaving live grasses explores his identity as something that is rooted, but gives way to the challenges of formulating a cohesive but imperfect whole. These works invite the audience to think through time, of the weavings as maze-like in their pattern and process and embedding them within an installation of casually draped domestic textile and stone pavers of in-process and impromptu construction wherein visitors may be themselves threads within the work.

Francisco Berlanga is a contemporary textile artist who studied at Simon Fraser University. He obtained his BFA in Visual Arts and he is currently working towards completing his MFA at UBC. His practice is based on questioning identity, particularly his connection with his own Mexican culture and how one can inhabit a culture while being partially absent from it. He engages in discourse with his own identity through the creation of traditional Mexican “manualidades” that often take the form of textile works; weaving has become essential to his practice. His work makes connections between traditional Mexican aesthetics and contemporary visual language. His practice engages with concepts of inaccessibility and the role memory and language can play when someone is distanced from their own culture. He attempts to bridge the gaps between his personal and cultural identities by forcing connections between them and trying to understand the limitations that these identities impose upon each other. Francisco was also a founding member of Withintensions, a monthly Vancouver-based artists magazine, and he is currently artistic director for the magazine. His goal through the publication is to cultivate an accessible space for art theory that engages local arts communities through publication.

This exhibition is curated by Whess Harman.

Digitized Programming:

Publication catalogue:

A companion catalogue for the exhibition with curatorial text by Whess Harmon, and exhibition response by Keimi Nakashima-Ochoa.
Visual description available: Plain Text, Audio.
A free printed copy is available in gallery while supplies last.

Artist Talk:

Francisco Berlanga’s artist talk. Link opens on vimeo with English captions and transcript via google docs.
Summary: Artist talk with Francisco Berlanga at the opening of their solo exhibition on October 10th, 2023.

Francisco’s Introduction to Live Weaving workshop. Link opens on vimeo and is available with English captions and transcript via google docs.
Summary: October 24th, 2023. This live workshop presented instructions on how to make a miniature version of the live weaving technique used in the work While The Wefts Were Woven, presented at grunt gallery in 2023. This technique involves creating a small loom structure in a planter and then weaving this structure using twine, grass and vines. This live weaving will continue to grow beyond this workshop and you can continue to weave it as it grows.

Creative Access Audio Tour:

Creative Access Audio Tour of the exhibition. Link opens on SoundCloud (external link).
Haga clic aquí para escuchar el tour por audio de acceso creativo de la exposición en español.
Listen to a visually described tour of Enticed and Entangled en algo Antiguo, written by Francisco Berlanga, Keimi Nakashima-Ochoa, and Christina Kim. It is narrated by Francisco Berlanga. Spanish creative access tour written and narrated by Keimi Nakashima-Ochoa.
English transcript available: Google Doc, Plain Text, PDF

Site map:

A PDF containing art work titles and materials. This information is also available within the creative access audio tour. A tactile map was created for this exhibition and has been preserved in the grunt archive. For more information, contact

Virtual Walkthrough:

We captured a 360 of the exhibition, but only have the rights to share 5 active shows at a time. Here are stills that were pulled from the 360. If you would like to experience our 360 capture, please contact

Image: While The Wefts Were Woven by Francisco Berlanga (2020-2021). Grass, sisal fibre. Image courtesy of the artist.

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