Early Career Development Program
The BC Arts Council is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot program to support the development of artists and arts administrators across the province.
The BC Arts Council’s Early Career Development Program will help bridge the gap for emerging artists and practitioners, supporting their ability to work as artists and cultural workers, while building their body of work, portfolio, professional exposure and/or career experience through residency, internship and mentorship opportunities. This program is accessible to both individual artists and organizations. Individuals can apply for the residencies or mentorship components.
The program will support the career development of B.C.-based early career and emerging practitioners through three components:
Component I: Internships
Component II: Residencies
Component III: Mentorships
For the purposes of this program, early career and emerging artists and arts practitioners are defined as artists and practitioners who either:
o Are under the age of 30; or
o Have less than five years professional experience since the completion of basic training in their discipline.
This pilot program is being launched through the BC Creative Futures strategy. Announced last January, BC Creative Futures supports opportunities for youth in communities throughout British Columbia to engage in the arts and creative thinking and encourages young people to pursue creative careers.
The application deadline is January 20, 2014. For more information, including program guidelines, application forms and FAQs, please visit the BC Arts Council website at: http://www.bcartscouncil.ca/
If you have any clarifying questions please feel free to contact either of Council’s Arts Development Officers: Sheryl Jones (Studio Arts) sheryl.jones@gov.bc.ca T 250-356-1722 or Lori Dunn (Performing Arts)lori.dunn@gov.bc.ca T 250-387-1538.
Youth Engagement Pilot Program
The BC Arts Council is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot program to support opportunities for youth engagement in the arts across the province.
The BC Arts Council’s Youth Engagement Pilot Program provides support to eligible organizations taking innovative and inspiring approaches to engaging British Columbia’s young people with professional artists and arts experiences, as participants in the artistic process or as the primary audiences for works of art. Funding assistance through this program will support exemplary approaches to youth engagement and the development of programming at various stages of implementation, including both new projects and the enhancement or expansion of existing programming initiatives.
The Youth Engagement Pilot Program builds on existing expertise in the creative sector by supporting programs delivered by organizations that demonstrate success in artistic achievement, community engagement and organizational capacity.
The Youth Engagement Pilot Program is a component of Creative Youth Initiatives, a suite of programs developed and delivered by the BC Arts Council and its long-standing partners, the BC Touring Council and the First Peoples’ Cultural Council. Please visit the BC Touring Council [http://bctouring.org/
This pilot program is being launched through the BC Creative Futures strategy. Announced last January, BC Creative Futures supports opportunities for youth in communities throughout British Columbia to engage in the arts and creative thinking and encourages young people to pursue creative careers.
The application deadline is January 8, 2014. For more information, including program guidelines, application forms and FAQs, please visit the BC Arts Council website at:
If you have any questions about this program, please contact the BC Arts Council at 250-356-1718 or BCArtsCouncil@gov.bc.ca.